In small-town Texas, the local mortician strikes up a friendship with a wealthy widow, though when he kills her, he goes to great lengths to create the illusion that she's alive.
Richard Linklater
Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine, Matthew McConaughey
Skip Hollandsworth (based on the article in Texas Monthly by), Richard Linklater (screenplay)
Screening Date:
Apr 21, 2012
Excellent | Very Good | Good | Fair | Poor |
50.9% | 22.6% | 15.1% | 9.4% | 1.9% |
“A Jack black comedy that is fascinating, ghoulishly intense and funny. Amazing that it’s actually true! I wish your post film comments were portrayed…they were even more unbelievable! I can totally see all of this actually happening. Why were none of the Carthagians called as character witnesses? He could have gotten rid of her so easily and didn’t. That’s the strangest part of the story. Justifiable homicide! Never thought I would like a Jack Black movie. Did you not tell us this was a true story in advance on purpose?”
“Very good film despite its difficult (for some) subject, although believably a Southern tale.”
“Original fun. Great acting and script. Will enthusiastically recommend.”
“Perfectly captures the flavor of East Texas, except too affluent. Film was very cohesive. The most characteristic aspect is where the black man is accused of stealing the lawn mower and taking it back to nigger town.”
“Don’t quite know how to label this film – a dramedy? A docu-drama? A docu-comedy? Like Michael Moore and Monty Python rolled into one.”
“Great acting. Hard to believe fact is stranger than fiction. Probably do great on DVD release.”
“Quite a surprise, a true story! Jack Black and Shirley MacLaine were perfect casting choices. What happened to the money?”
“I thought the satire dark comedy was well executed. Perfect example of fiction not able to compete with real life. The townspeople were great. The costumes of town’s folks, especially the women were exceptional. The raw facts are thought provoking. We can understand how Bernie reached such a desperate state.”
"Fabulous, truly an extraordinary, brilliantly done film. Great performances. Loved it.” Jeanne K
“Seemed like a 3 hour movie!”
“Bizarre, Jack Black deserves better. What was Shirley thinking? Of the 3 leads McConaughey only one who survives. Towns folks don’t come across too well either.”
“Yes, truth is stranger than fiction, that’s the long and short of it.”
“The picture was not great. Jack black was great and Shirley MacLaine was good, but not Academy Award acting.”
“Funny and poignant! Jack Black was brilliant. So, does anyone deserves to be murdered?”