Magician: The Astonishing Life and Work of Orson Welles
Excellent | Very Good | Good | Fair | Poor |
28.9% | 44.4% | 8.9% | 15.6% | 2.2% |
If you'd like to know more about the film...
Masters of craft also appear to clash at one another. Here here another look at the personality of Welles as it appeared that he and famed director Woody Allen had clashed numerous times in their prime.
Welles, a true master of film, had so many projects and ideas that it was almost impossible to complete them all. Some appeared to be gone forever. But "Variety" magazine gives an inside scoop that his final unfinished film may in fact be finally released next year.
Here is Orson Welles's first recorded film made backin 1934 as mentioned in the documentary.
And just for laughs, here is the full scene of John Candy as Orson Welles on the BILLY CRYSTAL Show.